Lab 3 : Simple Pipeline CPU#


In Lab1 and Lab2, we finished the simple single-cycle CPU. We need to make the CPU more efficient, so in Lab3, we will implement the 5 stages pipeline cpu. We don’t need to consider data hazards and control hazards for now.

The pipeline registers module should be implemented by yourself; it stores inter-staged signals at the posedge of the clock. Consider parameter modules.

Lab Source Code#

As for other modules, TAs think you should finish lab3 based on your lab2 submission, so there is no template.

Pipeline Cycle CPU#




Your CPU should be able to support the following RISC-V ISA.

  • add, addi, sub, and, andi, or, ori

  • slt, slti

  • lw, sw


  • implement pipeline register to store data of previous stage

  • Don’t need to consider data hazard or control hazard in this lab

  • Unlike Lab2, Lab3 needs to add a pipelining register in the datapath to store data of the previous stage


Please submit your source code as a zip file to E3.

The name of the zip file should be .zip, and the structure of the file should be as the following:

    |- <student_id>/
        |- ...(your source codes)


  • Read the textbook first and understand each submodule’s functionality.

  • Debugging with waveform makes your life easier.

  • Try to generate your risc-v machine code with Ripe; you can write a simple assembly to verify if your code runs as expected.

  • Write your assembly code and run it with Ripes to produce results, then verify and debug it with the waveform generated by your own pipeline CPU execution.


Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition, CH4 Ripes RISC-V Reader riscv-isa-pages